Thursday, May 31, 2007

In an attempt to save myself from any more verbal floggings from my friends about not updating my blog, I have returned. I will admit I am not updating this nearly as often as I would like to. However, would anyone prefer to see a two line lame post or a fully written well thought out post that makes them laugh, cry, etc.

Luckily for all of us, I have found something to discuss.


A Harry Potter based theme park.

Let me go ahead and go on record as stating - I am excited.

I am a Harry Potter freak, which especially weird as I currently do not own a copy of any of the books. (I got rid of them so I can buy a nice boxed set of all 7 books) I have however read all 6 books multiple times. I have seen all of the movies. And I am an 'avid' reader (silence from the peanut gallery, please) of Harry Potter Fan Fiction. I am one of those people who just can't get enough. One of the best experiences that I have had was going to Chicago with some of my friends and attending the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book release party.

Watching all the little kids, ehem, Hogwarts Students, walking around excitedly, and way past their bedtime. From looking at all of the themed shops to standing in line to get a butterbeer, it was an immersive and fun experience. (I wasn't even too upset when they ran out of butterbeer after a wait of about an hour in line. Chin up, it was a real bar so we drank some gin. It was the best AND the most expensive Martini that I had ever had.)

However, I wanted more. I wanted to watch quidditch. I wanted to collect Chocolate Frog cards. I wanted to believe in magic.

On a side note, if anybody reads this and has any sway with Nintendo...

The Nintendo Wii is the perfect console to release a Harry Potter based MMORPG. You would make more money than Blizzard does on WoW if you executed it correctly, and it would also have a larger target audience than WoW. Do it. Do it now and do it right. You will be pleased.

I'm hoping that this theme park is just what the Mediwitch ordered for what I am certain will be a great feeling of melancholy that the series is over.

Seriously though... with fanfiction it never stops. And never will.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

In an attempt to satisfy the whim of a good friend of mine, I have taken the "Visual DNA" test and posted it's results below. Please feel free to judge me based on my responses.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

In an attempt to keep updated on the events that transpired following the Crawfordsville fire, I stumbled upon this ray of hope posted on the Silver Dollar's Myspace page...
Teri & Mark are in the process of looking into a temp. home for our people & bar!
The Dollar will re-open, yes, that's right, the Dollar will re-open downtown as soon as it's possible, in the next few weeks.
Pass the word and stay tuned for the latest.
This is great news. In the word's of the piano player from the movie "School of Rock," "Don't let the man get you down."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

- The End
The Doors

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

In an attempt to only post items of merit and or discussion topics that I feel are worth mentioning, I have not posted on here for over a week. I was primarily thinking about trivial matters when an event of grand proportion occurs and causes me to end the silence.

Tommy's is gone.

I really don't have many words to say on this matter. It is indeed a day of loss for Crawfordsville and the entire Wabash community.

Tommy's was an institution, it was a place of peace of mind. Countless hours have been spent by many Wabash men over the years drowning away their sorrows. Whether is was a bad grade, a broken heart, or simple procrastination, Tommy's was there and in spades.

For those of you who aren't in the know, I have attached a few handy links to some media information. Please allow yourself to be informed.

Wabash Main story -

Runge's Blog -

Video Coverage -

The Journal Review Coverage (and more video links) -

I really am struggling with my emotions and words right now. I feel a sense of loss, regret that I had not visited Tommy's recently, and fond recollection about the times that I had there and event that had transpired.

On a Wabash College Phi Psi Alumni message board, one of my fraternity brothers posted the following...

Fret not, Mansfield. Tommy's hasn't gone anywhere. Tommy's exists as certainly as cheap beer and warped poolsticks and drunken revelry exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Tommy's! It would be as dreary as if there were no Mansfields. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no one night stands with ugly townies to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which juvenile intoxication fills the world would be extinguished.

Tommy's exists inside everyone of us. Whenever a man steals a shot glass from a bar, Tommy's is there. Whenever a man "forgets" it is his turn to buy a round, Tommy's is there. Whenever a man doesn't go to work or class in the morning because he is projectile vomitting into a bucket, Tommy's is there.

You see, Mansfield, there is a Tommy's. And there always will be.

- Parker Lyons

My college days are waning. Tommy's is gone. Digger's is gone.

Hey, things can't be that bad in "Wally-World," we've got the bell.

RIP Tommy's.